
Saturday, December 28, 2013

What I got for Christmas!

 First of all this is in no way to brag. I just wanted to show you what I got and post some reviews. Let"s get started!
First: I got molly's beach outfit. I love this set! It has so much stuff in it! It has sunglasses which are adorable!! It also has an awesome sea shell necklace, and an inflatable beach ball perfect for summer days! It has the swimsuit which is so so so cute! I love the pattern and the color! Next there is the towel I love the print and the green is so vibrant! Last, and certainly the best the sandals! You can't see them very good but they are the cutest American Girl product ever!!!! I LOVE them so so so much!!!! I know molly is retiring so I would recommend this but by the time you read this you probably won't be able to get it, but there is always Ebay!(I also love how all the colors match)  
Second: I got molly's dog Bennet! He is so Cute! He doesn't
come with anything so there isn't a lot to say about him. But if you have Molly I think you need Bennet! After all a dog is a man's best friend!(or an American Girl Doll)
Third: Last but not least i got Molly's lunch box. It comes with napkins, carrots and celery, PB&J, a pear and an Oreo and last the red metal lunchbox! I think if you have a doll they need a lunch box! Or they will have to have school lunch! Ha ha ha! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this and Happy Holidays!